NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt released the following statement in response to Governor Murphy’s April 27th press briefing on his plan for economic recovery:
“As we emerge from one crisis, I appeal to Governor Murphy not to plunge us deeper into another one. The telltale signs of a state economic collapse are here and we need our Democratic lead to reject their reflex to plug budget holes with big loans and bigger tax increases. “Today, Governor Murphy laid out his ‘Road Back to Economic Health’ which was long, winding and nothing new: reduce COVID cases, test, trace, & isolate. Economically, it boils down to this: appoint a commission to study our problems and go to the Fed and beg for money. Insider politicians suggest commissions, studies and talk. What New Jersey needs right now is leaders to lead. Revenue projections are down. There are one million unemployed New Jerseyans waiting for jobs, benefits and answers. Families are starving and businesses are shuttered. Instead of data, dates or answers from the Governor, Treasurer or Commissioner of Labor, we got a campaign speech for embattled Congressman Tom Malinowski, who left half his congressional district’s local governments with no first round stimulus money. “The NJGOP message is simple and clear: no new taxes. Our children couldn’t afford to start their lives here, and our parents and grandparents couldn’t afford to retire here, even before this pandemic started.
“Now we need discipline. Governor Murphy should channel New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, exercise economic restraint, and consider real economic relief in the form of: “Tax holidays that increase taxpayers’ available cash, not tax increases that reduce it. “Updating outdated school funding formulas and antiquated COAH requirements. “Helping the nearly one million unemployed New Jerseyans who need benefits, jobs and answers. “Improving our worst-in-the-nation tax climate through tax-cutting policies that make New Jersey more affordable, not less. “Streamlining approvals and cutting red tape to keep businesses open and people working. “Repurposing our profit centers and investing in ourselves and our businesses.”
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