FRANKLIN TWP., New Jersey, April 30, 2020: Today Rob and Crystal Kashinsky donated boxes of “Blessing Bags” to the Center for Great Expectations (CGE). The donations were made on behalf of the Franklin Township GOP(FTGOP) and Franklin Township Republican Club(FTRC). The Blessings Bags contained toiletry items, hair accessories, socks, pens and notebooks, and nail manicuring supplies. Serving many in the community, the CGE provides transformational mental health and substance use disorder treatment to women, children, men and families impacted by trauma, abuse and neglect. The center serves over 1000 women, men, and children on an annual basis. Many of these individuals are homeless or economically marginalized, pregnant or parenting, or living with mental health or substance use disorders. “Resources are important in times of crisis. We must not allow these mothers, daughters, sisters and friends to slip through the cracks. I, my wife, those here, and the FTGOP are privileged to offer these bags to those who need them. These bags will offer a tangible piece of hope. Hope of a future that involves safety, success, and freedom,” said Robert Kashinky, Franklin Township Republican Club member. Christina Ganzer-Zambri, also an FTRC member and long-time supporter of the center, comments, “The Center for Great Expectations does tremendous, groundbreaking work with women suffering from various traumas and it was an honor and a pleasure to do our part helping the CGE's residents feel a little more at home, especially during this difficult time of isolation. It truly is a great place to support.” Speaking of support, you can donate financially to this great cause at www.cge-nj.org In addition, please see their Wish List page.
